Thursday, March 4, 2010

the B.R.A.T. from mexico

We just got back from a vacation in mexico and ended up bringing home a little nuisance with us. Yup, you guessed it...a case of traveller's diarrhea!
Nora is now on day 7 so we are pretty anxious to get it cleared up. Not only is it a pain in the butt for her (e.g. diaper rash), but we can't send her to daycare, so one of us is home from work. She's not feeling badly, but they still have a policy.
The other big side effect is that we are all pretty much following the B.R.A.T. diet which helps to slow down diarrhea. B.R.A.T. stands for Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast, which are all foods that can slow things down digestively and cause constipation. We are also only giving Nora other low-fibre husband is calling it the 'white diet' because it is so opposite from the usual high-fibre, whole-grain foods we are used to eating. A week of white bread, white pasta, white rice, peeled get the idea.
I feel so badly too every time she looks in the fridge and says blueberries, which sounds more like blblublubl. They are her favourite fruit and we usually all have some every day, but they are way too high in fibre for right now. She needs to avoid all fruits and veggies, except the banana, applesauce and potatoes. We're trying to slip some in on the side for ourselves of course, like a handful of swiss chard crumbled onto a dinner of chicken and rice or a scoop of raisins in our cereal. Hopefully she'll be better soon and we can get back to eating our usual foods.
Do I regret taking a one year old to Mexico after all this? Never! We had so much fun playing on the beach and hanging out with our friends. We ate such amazing food, like the fresh corn tortillas we would pick up for about a dollar a pound and the mountains of guacamole we made. Surprisingly the best place we ate in Sayulita (the little town north of Puerto Vallarta where we stayed) was called Panino. It was a European-style bakery that rivaled any baked goods I've ever made or had anywhere, including Europe! Delicious pies, danish, strudel, croissant, baguette, bagels...literally everything was amazing! But now you can see why I'm so eager to get back to eating healthy at home:)

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